
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I created two polygons (triangles) one above the other, and then divided both of them into 3 parts, so that I can get its vertices.
Now I want to connect the vertices of both triangles in the way you can see in the 1.jpg attachment. In that way I will get an octahedron.

But, instead of that, when I set the "cross reference method" on my "Line" component I get this: 2.jpg

As you can see I get additional three green lines, which I do not need.
How can I remove them?

Thank you for the help.

Views: 379


Replies to This Discussion

Technically this is not a data matching problem. Cross reference does exactly what it says, it connects a point in one list with every point in the other. I would suggest that the method to achieve what you want is using a shift list component. Have a look at the Definition attached.



thank you Danny. worked perfectly !


Just one thing: I see you are using the "explode" component to explode the polygon into its vertices and get the points.

Instead of "explode" I am using a "divide" component for getting the vertices.

As I am a beginner, I am asking you which method is better?

divide would only work on an equilateral triangle. where as explode gets you the vertices no matter the edge length

I see.

Thank you for the help.






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