
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Some of you are aware (or use) the structural plug-ins that I'm working on.
I've just uploaded new versions that enable "paramatric" modelling of skeletal structural members (such as steel UB, CHS, RHS profiles) to centreline curves in your Rhino document. I've started a blog entry on this at that contains a you-tube clip demonstration. After an initial introduction, a "mini-gherkin" diagrid structure is generated in Grasshopper in the way of centrelines. After baking the centrelines, I can then apply the cross section data for a 3d model.

There's plenty of improvements to make. Soon you'll be able to tag your centrelines in Grasshopper and then my plug-in would apply the cross section data as soon as the curves were baked. Orientation of the elements still needs to be addressed (at present there is a default orientation) and I'll add an event watcher to respond when the centreline curve is modified.

I'm posting here because I think this plug-in could be very useful to many grasshopper users. You can download the grass hopper definition from the blog, and the plug-in from the wiki. The plug-ins are free whilst in beta testing, however you do need to request a license file to unlock full functionality, but please try it out if it sounds intersesting and I'll happily respond to any suggestions/ideas that you might wish to raise.

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HI Jon,

Thank you for the post I think this plug in can be very usefull. I'll give it a try

Just a quick update for any Grasshopper users also interested in interacting this plug-in with the Structural Drawing Plugin (primarily most useful for dynamic multiple curve sweeping or piping).

I've just posted a new blog entry with a tutorial on how to use the tool to model the Beijing WaterCube using the tools. So the plug-in now includes functions for generating Random Voronoi diagrams on planar polysurfaces, Weaire-Phelan polygon generation (which was used on the WaterCube) and Geodesic dome generation.

The blog entry at that outlines the process in creating the Beijing Skeletal grid, you can try it for yourself if it catches your interest.



Hi Jon,
I just left you a note concerning surface evolver, but this video includes exactly what I need for my art project: The Weaire-Phelan-Structure as a 3D-Model!! Since I am not exactly an expert in 3D-modelling ; ) I am wondering how you built this... did you write a script for it in grasshopper or just modelled it in Rhino? It would be so great if you could give me some advice : )!
Hi Julia,

I've made the commands I show in the video available in the Structural Drawing plug-ins, which you can download from

To activate full functionality of all the commands (including the Weaire-Phelan packing command, and also the minimal mesh solver), just follow the prompts to request a license.

You can download the files for the WaterCube example from my blog at
Once you're up and running, then try to apply it yourself. I'm happy to help with advice (if I can) or if you need any custom behaviour, let me know. Apologies, updating the help files for my plug-ins is high on the priority list, but it always seems like there is only 24 hours in the day.


Tanks a lot Jon!!! I will try the plug-ins as soon as my computer is fixed (it broke down yesterday...)!
Hi again,
I ve got another question (Couldnt try the plug-ins yet, still waiting for my computer to get fixed: (.. ) but once I created the structure with the structural drawing tool is it possible to export it as .dwg-file, since I need to work on it further in Cinema 4D for some lighting-stuff??
Hi Julia,

All my plug-ins generate usual Rhino objects (such as surfaces, points, curves), so you can use the usual Rhino means to export to DWG or DXF (or IGES which might be a lot better to exchange surfaces).


Hi Jon,
thats great, thanx! I downloaded your file with the weaire-phelan structure from geometry gym, and I think the structural drawing plug is really what I need!
The problem at the moment tho is, that since my computer is still getting fixed and i dont know how long it will be, I need to work at the uni computers which are only updated to Rhino Service Pack 4 and the Admin wont change it at the mo... Is there any way, I could get the plug in running on it?
Hi Julia,

I'll try and take a look tomorrow if I can build a version for you running in Service Release 4. There were a few fixes in the service releases the plug-in depended on for various commands, but weaire-phelan routine is unlikely to be one of them. You'll probably need to get your IT staff to help with loading the license file, have them email me. Did you catch my blog post on Weaire-Phelan from the other thread in Grasshopper?


Hi Jon,

great, thanx a lot!!!
Yep, I downloaded the rhino file with the Weaire-Phelan structure, its really helpful!! Cheers!
Just one more thing... Do you think the Random Voronoi diagrams on polysurfaces tool will work in SR 4?

Ok, well it built with only some small modifications against SR4. However, I do know the behaviour is a little different for some of the event watchers etc. The routines you're intersted in should work fine, let me know. You can download the SR4 build from
Thanks a lot for building it, Jon!! I will try it asap!






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