
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Have made a tube using by lofting 4 polygons, used blend box to create box surface and inserted element to that surface.

Now I would like to use a voronoi surface instead of a box surface and would like the size of the openings in the voronoi surface to adjust to the curvature in the surface, so that if the tube twists sharply the openings will be smaller in the region of the twist.

Any help much appreciated. Please find source files attached.

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Why do you want to use voronoi?
because the form of the tube is curvilinear and free and yet at the moment its surface is divided into a regular euclidean pattern of boxes. I would like the surface treatment to be in the same or similar language as the overall form.

At a later stage I would like to use attractors to influence overall form and the pattern on surface but not reached that stage yet.
How is voronoi more curvilinear? If you use voronoi on an ordered set of points, you'll get something similar to the boxes you already have. You can also use attractors on the boxes.
hmm, thanks I have to think about that, I think I just don't like the surface as it is too boxy, and I was under the impression that voronoi creates bubble-like patterns, which seems more organic.
anyone know how I could make a Weaire–Phelan structure such as water cube beijing?
Weaire-Phelan seems popular this weekend.
I couldn't open your files, but if the attached sample is of interest (you can vary the size of the polygon cells generated) or similar to what you're wishing to achieve, you can use the tools from my structural drawing plug-in ( ). There's a tutorial explaining the process as used for the Beijing Water cube at )


Thanks, was wondering if you have a big block of this, Dahu.
I can give you blocks, but then what will you do with them? Manually calculating the intersection having arrayed them isn't much fun.

I did a quick screen capture manually refining the size of the polygons each time on a part of the surface to show how this works. I did chop out part of the last calculation that took a bit longer than shown on screen.

You can try this for yourself with the plug-in.


hi cheers, but can't get the plugin to work, needs mail activation, is there any other way to activate?
Yep, mail activation is something I'll rewrite shortly. Works well for firms, not so well for students/private users. If you email me from the contact details on the website the file you find at C:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 4.0\Plug-ins\SSI\ssiLicense.xml
The file should be there if you tried to license it. If it's not, try the instructions here:

Let me know if neither works.
I am experimenting with this at the moment, pls find attached, can some one pls help me, the pipes are over running....






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