
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

just starting out with GH and i have a question about lofting multiple curve sets. i have populated a surface with a grid of circles, and then offset each circle. i would like to then loft each pair of curves, but i can't figure out how to separate them into pairs since 'loft' just takes a list, as opposed to 'curve a' , 'curve b', and so on.
any advice would be appreciated!

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Hi Matthew,

you need to put your circles into lists before calling the Loft component. You can start by Grafting your circles (to make sure each circle is in its own little list), then offset them. Since it's possible that a single curve offset will output multiple curves as the solution, the output of the Offset component (if that's what you're using) will have a different (more complicated) data layout than the input. You need to make sure these two data sets are matched up again. Once you have two data sets of curves, one containing all the "A" curves and the other containing all the "B" curves, you can feed them both into Loft and it should work.

I'll post a screenshot of this in a minute.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Using Offset will make this a lot more intricate than a method which won't modify the tree layout, such as Scale, Move etc..

Files attached. (You need 0.6.0043 to open it)

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
thanks to both of you for the rapid responses. i applied david's flatten and graft sequence and it appears to be working. i'll test it in a few more ways and then post the result.
thank you again!

can't seem to save this file. i was hoping to reuse it for my lofting problem


Hi David, I think I have a pretty similar issue. I am new with Grasshopper, despite this I am trying to reproduce a very nice hexagonal patterned surface (, very popular. I think I succeeded in creating the two surfaces, one having the original hexagol pattern, the other one, an offset of the previous one, having the same pattern scaled according to an attractor. My problem is I cannot loft each hexagon of the origin surface  with the corresponding scaled one of the offset surface. I cannot understand the reason, I am not yet in grasshopper mood, could you help me, please?

an image of the definition would be appreciated with a Parameter viewer plugged into the component that will feed the curves into the loft component
ok, so here is my result attached. worked out perfectly!
another small item i need to resolve that i imagine is quite common- is there a way to exclude the points that occur at the surface edges? as you can see, the circles that are placed here are half on, half off.
i previously laid out the circles using a panelized surface which avoided this problem, but the distributing frames over the surface seemed like far fewer steps.
thank you again!
I checked which objects intersect with the surface's edges and selected the other ones.
i think what i need to do is eliminate the points that fall on the edge of the surface and then use the remaining points to create the circles, lofts, and holes that are cut in the surface by the projected circles. that will reduce the number of lofts, etc from the beginning.
any suggestings for that?
I think the game stays the same, only the players need to change. Replace the Brep parameter with the Points you will use to make the Breps, and change the intersection component with one that deals with planes(planes from the Points) and curves, not Breps and Curves. Thats all. Hope it makes sense.
Alright, planes are messy, rather create random curves from the points, then intersect the curves with the curves. I added an image with the definition.

What is wrong with my defnition?







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