
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey Guys.  I have been sifting through all the previous posts on how to bake color, specifically a gradient over multiple poly surfaces.  It seems that with the new release of 0.7 neither Mode's bake attributes component or Giulio's tools will work.  I am getting null values for any type of input geometry. 

Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Views: 45823

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thanks Giulio thumb up !!!

Hey Giulio,


I am trying use the bakeMostAttributes-802.ghx but can't seem to get it to bake anything. I have the attribute set to true but nothing bakes from the component. Is there something I am doing wrong? Thanks


Hey Matthew,

please have a look if the one for Grasshopper 0.8.0007 still works.

- Giulio
McNeel Europe

Hey Giulio,

Thanks for all the help... Works like a charm! And thanks for keeping it opensource. Goes a long way with students. :P


Guys you rock! This is what I was looking for!
Im new to the scripting end of grasshopper, I cannot seem to get this to work, what am I missing? Im not sure even how or what to bake.


can someone please tell me how to mod Giulio´s latest bakeAttribute, so it also sets a specified layercolor?



Hi Phillip

if possible, you should try to modify layer colors independently from baking. A layer can have only one color, but many objects.

To modify a layer color, use something along these lines:

if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(layer) && !color.IsEmpty)
      int n = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Layers.Find(layer, true);
      if(n < 0) return;

      Rhino.DocObjects.Layer l = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Layers[n];
      l.Color = color;
      A = l.CommitChanges();

Can I also ask you to start a new discussion next time?
I hope this helps,

- Giulio


People, I used Andrew Heumann's component for my work. There are some surfaces that are transparent, but when i bake them, they turn to grey. What I want to do is to save the baked surfaces in order to use as a vector but the only solution I see is to set the transparency in Illustrator. Is there a way to do this in GH???? Could anybody help me please?

How do you export to Illustrator?

Afaik, surfaces will export as boundaries and isocurves, only hatches will export to a filled curve. there is no transparency option to hatches.

I am new,

is there a way you can post your definition, im not sure what to do with all the text?


Thank you






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