
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I would like to generate these textures for use in my cnc router. Is there a way to generate a series of 3d polylines like this in Rhino using scripts, Grasshopper or otherwise? I need to be able to control the parameters to create a random series of 3d polylines that more or less flow together like these. The plines would then be imported into my cam software which would a tool path down each pline. Also, I would like to be able to select a curve to use as a general guide for the plines as in image 2.


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Hi Woodduck,

It's certainly possible. Grasshopper has both traditional Random functionality (as you'd find in RhinoScript and DotNET) and Perlin noise graphs (as you'd have to code up from scratch anywhere else).

You can also drive your randomness with image data in Grasshopper relatively easy. I suppose you need to come up with a description of your algorithm (the steps needed to achieve the desired result) and someone here can probably help you put it together.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Thanks for the reply. First let me say that while I'm a newer user and might have trouble explaining the exact steps required to do what I want in Rhino/GH, I'm certainly up to learning what I need to be able to use this amazing tool.

I do know that I'd like to have these parameters:

- ability to select total size of pattern ex: 24" x 24"
- wavelength of curves
- vertical amplitude of curves
- horizontal amplitude of curves
- offset of individual curves
- ability to select random repetition of curves for noisy patterns or simple copying to create a symmetrical pattern
- Also if desired, I'd like to be able to select a curve to drive the overall shape of all the curves

Here is a sample of one possible result: In this case you can see the toolpaths that have been generated on the curves







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