
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Felix Candela structure Los Manantiales Restaurant at Xochimilco...some problems to solve


I'm a bit confused on how to organize this information, so Ok let me start:

the structure I wish to model with grass is a shell made out by the play on the hyparsform

(4 intersecting hyperbolic paraboloids rotated 45° one from another).


1 - I have the dimensions (hight at the centre:5,9m ; at the vertex of the overhhang: 10 m ect)

2- my idea is to model one hypar and copy it after.

3- STEP 1modelling the parabola on the ZY plane knowing one point (x: 6,2; y: 0) and vertex (0 ; 11,5)

4 - rotate the parabola 30° (the structure has a overhang)

5 - model the second parabola known the first parabola vertex and the hight at the center

6 - create a loft surface (?)

7- copy and rotate 4 times

8- trim the extra off


My work so far is a real mess..can someone help me rationalized it in grasshopper instructions? Molte grazie

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I kind of figured this out so far.. I'm working on the hyperbole on the YX plane.
Hi Alessandra, nice to see you got to work with this. I thought it was a nice challange too, and started by making the curves. I wasn't sure how create the surfaces based on these curves, maybe you can figure it out. I'll attach the definition.
So I approached it differently and made another definition that works, but I think it's too concept to post yet. Maybe I'll find some time and finish it properly.
Good luck!
I hade some problems opening the ghx file, could you please repost it? Thanks
I made the definition in GH 0.80010, are you running that too?
Have you right clicked the link and "save target as..", than drag it onto the GHcanvas?
It is still there ^ ...

No the Gh 0.6.0059, I only got Sr6 on Rhino


Maybe the printscreen of the def helps...

Pieter I cant figure out some components you used. Maybe my Gh version is a bit differnt?


Can someone help me figure out how the model the Hyoar surface? Many thanks


hi pieter,

i put a question about the reverse-way-to-make-a-hyperbolic-paraboloid-surface:


i am so glad when u could have a look on this. thx!

One solution to create surfaces from these curves. ; )

Just wondering: why are you making this parametric? You seem to know all the measurements...

Well it is just a case study for math-structure analysis course..just proving it can be modeled by parameters.


I'm sorry you're working with an older version Alessandra. In that case I can only say that you are pretty close. You need to adjust the (height of the) vertical parabolic... When you're following a math-structure analysis course I think you'll need to do the (rest of the) math:)
Have you googled the hyperbolic paraboloid? I bet if you do so you'll get to understand how you can make one yourself based on your curves.

Good luck, let me know how fast you've solved this, or when you get completely stuck despite trying hard;).

B.t.w. I liked playing with this shape a lot, thanks for bringing it to my attention. I hope you won't mind too much that I'm posting a video based on this subject on the forum. I think you'll like it:)






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