When I started modeling, I discovered the magic world of surfaces. Then when I approached parametric modeling in GC I doscovered the power of U and V parameters. Populating any surface I had the chance to. And now, that I'm suposed to know the theory I can't figure out how to solve this. I assume that u,v parameters are based on the surface topology. Then when you trim that surface or you crate a surface from a closed curve (see image attached) you loose the "boundaries" of the surface remaining only the last u,v points that still "exist" (see the image).
How can I divide that kind of surfaces with a "regular" pattern (triangle, quad, hex) ?
I can imagine this can be a hard problem, calling for relaxation scripts, or more complicated algorithms, but if anybody has a suggestion, an approach or maybe the solution, I would appreciate it very much.
(the image shows what I get with the regular divide surf. component (left), and what I'm looking for (right).
Thanks for your time.
- Attachments: