I was always under the impression that if you use divide interval component on a surface, it actually divides that surface with proportionally spaced iso-curves along the U and V directions. So each iso-curve is divided into say 10 proportional lengths by its intersecting perpendicular iso-curve over the length of each respective iso-curve, but the intersection points are not decided by total length of each iso-curve but seems to be decided on the original surface's "elastic" pull. In this extreme example you can see it clearly but I was not able to notice this before because its difficult to see the proportions of the spacing of the iso curves on an "organic" surface.
This interests me because I am sure I have seen some paneling definitions that made the same assumption I did but they just can't see the deviation in proportion, and this could change that approach.
Though I'd share that since it wasn't that obvious to me.
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