algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hi all,
Can anyone help me to find out how is it possible to select
an object by its layer in grasshopper?
I`ve searched for it so many times and I found out that it
would be possible using DotNET VB script. is this the only option?
I went through few sample codes and tutorials and managed to
write a VB script but it didn’t work! ( as im totally new in scripting and the
codding was not easy to understand) .
Hi Sam,
have a look at the horster Reference for Grasshopper Components.
Maybe this is what you are searching for.
YES! This is it!!..thank you Martin for your great help!
do you know by any chance, if its possible in grasshopper to 'set the Cplane on the surface' and set the view to 'front' then make a 2D from the current view of the object?
(i have the 3D drawings of each face of a buidling and i need to make a 2D (plan) for each and every face.)
thank you
Hi Sam,
you can change or set a plane by using the orient component (in the Transform tab).
And to create 2D plans I would intersect all the 3D geometry of your building with a plane, then you get 2D lines for the floor or section plans. (I also did it like this, here are the results)
Otherwise if you need to get the "make2D" comand in grasshopper have a look at this link.
And if it's necessary to control the Rhino viewport out of Grasshopper take the horster camera Control for Grasshopper Plug-In.
Hope this is helpful.
Hi Martin,
thanks for your reply.
About intersecting a plane with the 3D, i would say thats not the case, because what i need is a 2D plan from the 'elevation faces'. (if you have a look at the attached image-it`s actually very similar to what you have done- there are cells of buildings and each cell consists of couple of faces!)
now, i have the 3D drawing of each face in seperate rhino file and i need to make a 2D plan for each and every face -as you can see it would be 100s of faces!- in the same rhino file using grasshopper.
it would be possible if i do it manually in rhino (make a surface- set the Cplane to the serface- set view to front- make a 2D of current view) but this is not the best way to do for 1000 faces!
anyway, thanks for the link, i`ve got to check this out. -)
Hi Sam,
sorry, I was very busy today.
Is it possible to ad your file, so that I can have a look at it?
Maybe I've got an idea how you can do your 2D plans.
No worries, you already being so kind following this discussion -)
Sure i attached the rhino file of 1 out of 1000 faces!
you may have a look at attached gh file as well which i have made.i know thats not the best! (and maybe funny!) since i`m totaly new in grasshopper, but at least will give you some idea about what im trying to do.
i know the 'merge' thing is not a good idea as it ruins all the layers and let the 2D come out in one layer only, but i couldnt find a way to group the objects.
thank you Martin for your replies
Hi Sam,
hope this time it's more like you expected? ;)
Have look at this.
But I have still one question why do you need to unroll all the geometry (the lines on the surface) the same time, wouldn't it be easier to create the lines on the unrolled surfaces?
thank you very much Martin,
i need to go through it. (seems a little complicated for me :) )
Mm..actually this is for construction purpose and each layer of lines represents a layer of cladding which took months to be designed! i already have all the faces -plus the lines- ready on separate files, so its not easy to redo them all for 1000 faces. :)
again thanks for your help
Ok, than forget what I was saying about the way creating the lines on the unrolled surfaces ^^".
Let me know if it is working.
hi Martin,
as i said this is way to complicated for me ! first of all it didnt give me the 2D drawing! and also i tried to find out the process but still there are some stages that i dont understand the point of them :) grafting a tree!..or creating a plane perpendicular to the UV vector...
i was thinking, what if i 'orient'/ 'project' all the lines on a plane on x-y axis? i tried that and it kindda works, but the lines are coming out in one layer only!..
any way, thanks alot for your great helps..i`ve learned alot!
Hi Sam,
I had a look at it.
What are you meaning with "default layer"?
Of course when you are manipulating the geometry in Grasshopper and bake the stuff again, then the geometry always has a "default layer" and you are able to choose the layer when you bake it.
Sorry, for the other definition, it's not simple to get all the stuff unrolled, when it should be untouched in all the multiple lists.
And about understanding datatree's have a look at this link (under Do 28.04.2011 there is a link which is called "understanding Datastructures in Grasshopper" right click on it and choose 'save as' to save it to your harddrive) (maybe this file will make datatrees in Grasshopper a bit clearer, hope so ;) ) and also on the Grasshopper primer page 36.
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