
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hey guys,

i've hit a brick wall. would any one know how to keep the area/volume of a shape the same, but deform and morph the shape???

say morph a rectangle into a sphere but keep their volume?

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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min tian,

i've been trying to do the same thing. did you ever figure it out?
What do you mean by morphing a rectangle to a sphere keeping it's volume?
I can think of these options:
1. - A rectangular surface to a sphere (keeping constant surface area)
2. - A box to a sphere (keeping constant volume)
3. - A rectangle to a circle (keeping constant area)

I've done number 3 since it's the easiest :P

There are several ways to morph. If you divide both surfaces or curves into points, find the average position and then interpolate through them a surface or curve, you'll only get an approximation of a circle or sphere. To get a perfect circle or sphere, you should get the control points and their weight and also interpolate their weight (this is my deduction, i could be wrong), but this is not exposed in grasshopper. The next best thing is doing a loft, as i did in the screenshot and extracting sections.
Thanks Vicente! But what I am really trying to do is to create a series of curves or surfaces that can change in shape, but share the same area.
Can you be a bit more specific? How does what you are trying to achieve it differ from my example?

If the surfaces are not planar and you are trying to maintain a fixed surface area, it's much more difficult.
I'm not sure what I'm asking can be done.

The surfaces would be planar. Imagine defining any planar surface from a curve. I want to be able to manipulate the original curve using the control points and have the geometry of the curve react and move in a way that preserves the area of the surface.
Sort of like the video i posted in this thread
(see second page) but with surfaces instead of volumes?
Oh, you posted the same thing while I was writing.
I think what your asking for requires Grasshopper to have an auto bake function. Which it doesn't. But check out these discussion links.

And this link that Vicente actually posted there that does what I think you are asking for.
Yes, that is exactly what I am trying to do. Except with surface area instead of volume. Thanks for the link.






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