
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Compressible cylinder/cone origami ie. Issey Miyake

Hi everyone,


I came across this video of this "dress" Issey Miyake designed in 2010. Basically, it can be compressed flat and can unfold as a dress as the images below (or in the video at 3.20 seconds). I was wondering if anybody had any ideas on a of parametrically constructing something like this. Here is the link to the video and images.



The only hints I found were here:


Would be great if anyone had any tips or leads!




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I would do it like this:


1. each square (I mean the horizontal section) that comes up is originally a into 20 segments divided circle

2. you take only 4 points (every 5th) of the circle division and make it a square

3. create a slider that shifts the selceted points on each level/circle meanwhile moving in z direction


you understand what I mean?

unfortunaly I do not have rhino here, I can give it a try tomorrow morning


Best Regards




Hey DeDackel


Thanks for responding! But I don't think I understand. Would it still be compressible? It would be great if you could have a go at it!


Meanwhile, I found this website which is similar, though in the Issey Miyake design, it folds into squares from a triangular grid. Hope this helps:

mh much too complex! My mind wants to reach to much, anyway! Have a look at the ghx!


Best Regards



Interesting attempt! Sort of close to what I'm trying to do though i'm looking into it folding in rather than the triangles shrink so that it collapses. I was wondering why you used spheres and the cylinders and grabbed intersection points from there? Is this some sort of system that determines the angles of the triangles and how far the square rotates until it hits the bottom?

I've printed the templates in the links I've posted previously and they managed to fold into a cylinder and cone, but I'm still struggling to find a way for it to work in a square. Though it is an interesting challenge!

was wondering why you used spheres and the cylinders and grabbed intersection points from there?

While the inner square is moving up, the connection between the inner and the outer square has to stay all the time with the same length. I need this part to find the path the end/start of the line is moving along. it is not the 100% solution. But quiet close to it.


If you coul dwork on the ghx and show it to me. Maybe than I do understand better what you are up to!


Best regards



It's a bit hard for me to formulate this in grasshopper, so hand modelling seems to be the way to go! Though if anything does surface, I will let you know!





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