
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

As a result of a request please find a series of examples for using the Path Mapper component.

The First installment of this is showing the Path Mapper imitating some already existing components. Flatten, Graft, Simplify and Flip Matrix. There is also an additional example showing Integer Divide to which there is no existing component.

For those uninitiated in the dark arts of pathmapper the component can be found on the Sets Tab> Tree Section with the icon of a red cube. Section 8: The Garden of the Forking Path of the Grasshopper Primer 2nd Edition is dedicated to the Tree Structure implemented in GH v0.6. There is an extensive Help file accessed from the 'right click' Context Menu.

UPDATED to correct an error in the Flip Matrix demonstration path_count should be item_count. Plus reflecting the change of the Simplify Component and Additional demonstration of grouping without the Path Mapper

Updated: 2011-04-20

Replace Branches

Not sure if it's right to include this here as its actually encouraging you not to use the Path Mapper, but sometimes there are benefits to being able to keep the definition free from restrictions like the Path Mapper. When a data structure changes the Path Mapper is unable to adapt without user intervention. This is demonstrated in the two Grouping examples above. The Path Mapper method would need the user to manually change the Integer 6 if they ever increased the V Divide, where as the Replace Branches Component will simply update based on its inputs.

I hope to follow this up with some more..... 

Views: 96935


Replies to This Discussion

Have you tried Grafting the Input B? This should bring the two data structures into a similar enough pattern for GH to Match up.

Thank you Danny very useful explanation! Great stuff!

I am wondering: is a follow up on 'pruning', 'comparing', 'decomposing', 'branching', 'streaming' and 'relating' items part of a future issue?

Some similar examples would be immensely useful.

Can anyone suggest good tutorials or example on the matter?

thank you guys




Oh Darklord Danny

Thank you very much for this. I finally see the light


Thank you



Make sure sound is on.

DarkLord from Danny Boyes on Vimeo.


I have also been tempted to apply image sampler to a photo of myself, but lack your "je ne sais quoi" !!!
attached. As you can see its a case of randomly multiplying things. :)

Thanks for this Danny, but i think you misunderstood me. I was commenting on the photo of yourself that you used in the script. lolololol



Ah... I seeeee. I missed the subtle of in of myself. :)

sorry, i am GH beginners.

 how to use it?

please advice.


i must be soo dummy that i cannot manage to use that path mapper thing. So please guys. Can someone tell me how I can filter a specific number of branch (es) in a tree.


0;0;0 First step on left-hand side makes a restart after 9. Mid one is the same as well. The right-hand side is restarting after 5. I want to filter "000, 001, 110, 111, 220,221...880,881,990 and 991".



This doesn't sound like Path Mapper is the right tool for the job. Possibly Split Tree or Tree Branch would be better. I'll try and put together a demo of these, if I get a chance, tomorrow otherwise Monday morning.






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