
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to trim the intersection between two breps. I am successful sometimes but not others. I have attached my rhino and grasshopper file so that you can see what i mean. I need the form to trim all the time but i cannot understand why it works sometimes but not others.

Can someone please provide some insight?




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Hi Lulu, I adjusted your definition, it might provide the insight you're looking for.

Hi Pieter,

How do i download your file, I keep getting redirected to a HTML viewer or somthing.

Sorry im not too tech savvy.


Hi Pieter,

Got your file to open, just needed to do it through a different browser.

This works only in the instance when the orginal form is in a full circle. if you bring it close to the other voronoi bubbles it doesnt work anymore.

Hi Lulu, I must admit I didn't quite understand why you used the voronoi, because it produced only circles in your definition. But I understand you want this to work with touching cells as well? Is it a must to offset the cells to the outside? Maybe you could provide a rhino example or sketch of what you're trying to achieve, 'cause I don't fully understand it now.

Hi Pieter,

There reason behind the Voronoi is that the isolated cell is suppose to act as my form and the other voronoi cells are trees that surround my form. The idea is that the isolated form is reacting to the environment around is and is sites specific. So if it is nesseled between trees it will adjust accordingly by shifting out of the way deform etc. when it stands alone it is in its pure uninterupted form. 

no the cells dont have to be offset that was merely one of the approaches that i took in trying to sove the problem.

The ultimate goal is to achieve a unified form with not intersection in between. Ive sketched a section of what it would look like before trimming and after. 

Why would i like it to work all the time you ask?

because part of my concept is emphasizing the abilities of using a program like grasshopper, I would like to demonstrate how as you move it along the site it changes according to its surroundings

Ive stripped my file to the bare essentials in hopes that it would simplify the problem. Im sorry if i ended up causing confusion instead 



Uhm, still trying to understand it, which parts you needs and which you don't... It looks like the 'cell base' in the untrimmed sketch are two different ones.
I've increased the cell radius in your definition to 9, so they meet, am I by doing so getting closer to understanding you right?






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