algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Last update for a while. My holiday starts this weekend.
Download the installer from the usual place.
Changes since 0.8.0009:
● Added a first attempt at a half-way decent Preferences interface (Window menu).
● String matching algorithm rewritten in an attempt to improve Popup search fidelity.
● Windows linked to the Grasshopper main window will no longer be repositioned when Ctrl is down.
● The Extend Curve component now accepts negative lengths in order to trim the curve.
● Added Fit Line to Points component (Curve.Primitive dropdown)
● Added Fit Circle to Points component (Curve.Primitive dropdown)
● AutoSave file format is now customizable through the new Settings interface.
● Mouse scroll wheel can now be used to adjust slider controls (not Number Slider objects).
● Added tooltips to the Popup Search box.
● Added Info Mode to the Canvas (hold Ctrl+Alt and click on an object).
● Added initialization code to the Cull Nth component.
● Added initialization code to the Cull Index component.
● Added initialization code to the Random Reduce component.
● Added initialization code to the Duplicate component.
● Added initialization code to the List Item component.
● Added initialization code to the Repeat Data component.
● Added initialization code to the Shift List component.
● Added initialization code to the Split List component.
● Added initialization code to the Sequence component.
● Added initialization code to the Constant E component.
● Added initialization code to the Constant Epsilon component.
● Added initialization code to the Factorial component.
● Added initialization code to the Fibonacci component.
● Added initialization code to the Golden Ratio component.
● Added initialization code to the Constant Pi component.
● Added initialization code to the Random component.
● Added initialization code to the Range component.
● Added initialization code to the Series component.
● Added initialization code to the Square component.
● Added initialization code to the Square Root component.
● Added initialization code to the Cube component.
● Added initialization code to the Cube Root component.
● Added initialization code to the Log10 component.
● Added initialization code to the Log component.
● Added initialization code to the Exponent component.
● Added initialization code to the Power of 2 component.
● Added initialization code to the Power of 10 component.
● Added initialization code to the Sine component.
● Added initialization code to the Sinc component.
● Added initialization code to the Cosine component.
● Added initialization code to the Tangent component.
● Added initialization code to the ArcSine component.
● Added initialization code to the ArcCosine component.
● Added initialization code to the ArcTangent component.
● Added initialization code to the Secant component.
● Added initialization code to the Cosecant component.
● Added initialization code to the Cotangent component.
● Added initialization code to the One over X component.
● Added initialization code to the Absolute component.
● Added initialization code to the Sign component.
● Added initialization code to the ToDegrees component.
● Added initialization code to the ToRadians component.
● Added initialization code to the N-Base log component.
● Added initialization code to the Smaller Than component.
● Added initialization code to the Larger Than component.
● Added initialization code to the Equal To component.
● Added initialization code to the Similar To component.
● Added initialization code to the Addition component.
● Added initialization code to the Subtraction component.
● Added initialization code to the Multiplication component.
● Added initialization code to the Division component.
● Added initialization code to the Integer Division component.
● Added initialization code to the Minimum component.
● Added initialization code to the Maximum component.
● Added initialization code to the Modulus component.
● Added initialization code to the Power component.
● Added initialization code to the Concatenate component.
● Added initialization code to the String Split component.
● Added initialization code to the String Join component.
● Added initialization code to the Evaluate Length component.
● Added initialization code to the Circle component.
● Added initialization code to the Circle CNR component.
● Added initialization code to the Arc component.
● Added initialization code to the Curve component.
● Added initialization code to the Interpolated Curve component.
● Added initialization code to the Offset Curve component.
● Added initialization code to the Offset Curve Loose component.
● Added initialization code to the Offset Curve On Surface component.
● Added initialization code to the Extend Curve component.
● Added initialization code to the Catenary component.
● Added initialization code to the Line SDL component.
● Added initialization code to the Fillet component.
● Added initialization code to the Fillet Distance component.
● Added initialization code to the Move component.
● Added initialization code to the Scale component.
● Added initialization code to the Mesh Plane component.
● Added initialization code to the Mesh Box component.
● Added initialization code to the Mesh Sphere component.
● Added initialization code to the Sphere component.
● Added initialization code to the Surface Offset component.
● Added initialization code to the Surface Offset Loose component.
● Added initialization code to the Divide Curve component.
● Added initialization code to the Divide Curve Length component.
● Added initialization code to the Divide Curve Distance component.
● Added initialization code to the Curve Frames component.
● Added initialization code to the Curve Perpendicular Frames component.
● Added initialization code to the Square Grid component.
● Added initialization code to the Rectangular Grid component.
● Added initialization code to the Vector Amplitude component.
○ Sliders would cause too many solve events when controlled externally, this is fixed.
○ The Canvas went black when Galapagos was in fast display modes, this is fixed.
○ AutoSave documents are now deleted when the document is closed from the MDI menu.
I'll be gone for a month, but I'm sure I'll be able to check with the forum every now and again.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Yeah, that's a bit of a half-finished concept. It needs a lot of work but I forgot to disable the menu item. Anyway, I hope it's at least going in the right direction.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
thanks for the negative value support on extendCrv Comp
happy easter
Fantastic! The initialization stuff is great for power users, will speed up some tasks considerably. A couple requests:
1. would be great to have initialization code for the unit vector components, so I could type X=6 to get an X vector of length 6, for example.
2. It would be great to enable this functionality with clusters, so that one non-geometry input per cluster could be activated in this way. ("My custom cluster = 40")
3. Maybe it's just me, but "set default color" for panels doesn't seem to work yet.
4. allowing other simple data types might be useful in some situations - "Domain = -10 to 10", "Boolean = false" etc. As it stands now I just fill such values into a panel when I need to enter them quickly; maybe this in itself is sufficient.
Thanks for all the amazing work, and enjoy your month away!
One wish! Info mode is great.
It will be awesome to make @links@ mode in a similar vay - to label all components connected to this one
and btw maybe to have an option to move all wires pluged into one input (or output) to move to another component or input (output)
and btw maybe to have an option to move all wires pluged into one input (or output) to move to another component or input (output)
This was added in v0.8.0002 hold down ctrl+shift when selecting. See image here
What problem are you experiencing?
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Added by Parametric House 0 Comments 0 Likes
Added by Parametric House 0 Comments 0 Likes
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