
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone!

I having a problem saving NURBS curves to separated Iges files.

The attachment file works just with circles!

Views: 2336


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Thanks Rajaa Issa

Supper now it's working!!!

A little question please, what's wrong with this lines ? last wip, last GH wip version ...

private void RunScript(object x, object y, ref object A)
string dest = "C:\Test\001.igs";
Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript("_Selall", true);
Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Export " + dest + " _Entrer",true);


"_Entrer" should be "_Enter" .... typing error ;)

The underscore in front of the command enforces english command names. If you want to use the French, just use Entrer without the underscore. But if you want to share your script with people running Rhino in a different language, you must use the underscore+english name approach.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

hi all, the problem still... the console return Unrecognized escape sequence ??

string dest = "C:\Test\001.igs";
Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript("_Selall", true);
Rhino.RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Export " + dest + " _Enter", true);

Sorry to stay on this, 

any one have idea for this ? cause i dont see how can i make a dynamic "save target" otherwise than this way ?

string dest = @"C:\Test\001.igs";
thanks to] :) the subtility of c# ^^






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