
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

sorry for silly question but how do you rotate bounding box?

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na wejściu "P" w komponencie boundingbox masz możliwość określenia płaszczyzny w jakiej ma być rysowane "pudło". stwórz sobie plane z komponentu "plane normal" (z jednym wektorem). jako wejście dajesz tam origin i plane normal vector. jako origin dajesz dowolny punkt, a wektor możesz dać np "unit vector x". jak już to zrobisz to obracając wektor powinno się obracać także boundingbox
sry for polish, i wanted to reply wiktor's question ;]
thanks guys I did smth like this (see image) but my bounding box is not rotating with the polylines. when I rotate polylines by 30 I have to rotate X by 52 to make it fit. How can I rotate then together?



I'm not sure why you're thinking that putting angles into the vector x and y point inputs is going to give any kind of sensible result when compared to putting angles into the angle input of the rotation component.  Can you zoom back a little bit on you definition so I can see the input to the rotation component?




Hi Dude....

i don't think you should create the bounding box and then rotate it.. when u create the bounding box u can already set up the base-plane which will give u the box orientation....  

Simply connect the xy-plane component to the P slot of the Bounding box component.......






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