
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, i want to see how a box slides along a double curved surface using grasshopper and kangaroo. I tried several definitions but i can't find a way to keep the base of my sliding box alway horizontal... (is a cleaning platform so i have to!)


Do you have any suggestion?


I tried to have 2 points of the box colliding and then sliding along the surface and the box connected to extremely elastic cables but it rotates no matter what.. 

What is very important for me is that only 2 points would hit the surface and slide along it. 


Image attached to better understand!



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One option would be to apply two equal opposing Unary forces to the top and bottom of the object(in the + and - z direction).Because the forces are balanced out there is no net effect on the motion of the centre of mass of the object.This is how the birds in this video are maintaining their orientation

(in this case this orientation force was deliberately made fairly weak so that they would bank naturally as they turned, but it can be made much stiffer).

wow, it looks very interesting....a live interaction with the simulation? Is there an similar example/tutorial to download for this type of simulation using Kangaroo? 


Or, what is the mechanism behind this simulation? For instance, how to set up an separate motion for each bird so that it looks like they are flying with their wings? The relationship between the attractor and the boids?


Btw, Daniel, your plugin is really amazing and thanks for sharing Kangaroo.


All the best, javier

that is a very good suggestion! because the box slides along a curved surface when it rotates it loses a little bit of horizontality but it is extremely close to being perfect!

And thanks for the great plugin!  





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