
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everybody,
first of all sorry for my english;
I'm an italian student and this is the first time I add a discussion on this social network.
Some months ago,I found an interesting case study made with bentley software,this is the link:

I would to reproduce a definition in Grasshopper for practical exercise.
Any suggestions?
I enclosed files with first step I made.Thanks

P.S.:Se ci sono utenti italiani disposti ad aiutarmi per praticità anche di scambio di info
siete benvenuti.Ciao e grazie.

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There are a few approaches to this. I don't really have time to make it but I can drop my opinion quickly. I looked at your files. From what you have done so far you would need to use Morph tools to generate your "hexagon component/cluster" between the two surfaces. Under XForm > Blend Box should be able to do it between the two surfaces quite easily.

But from what I could see from the picture, the hexagons have different diameters in the middle. I'm taking a wild guess that maybe those diameters correspond to the curvature of the two surfaces somehow, and if you would like to achieve that affect as well you will need to use a different approach I think. I would make hexagon curves on the surfaces, get the center points of the hexagons on the surfaces and then find the midpoint between those two center points for the position of the 3rd and middle hexagon and then make that 3rd hexagon's diameter in proportion with the curvature of that part of the surface. (Curve > Curvature)

I am sorry if that makes no sense, but if I get time I can send you the definition later. (If I get it right!)
Please note I have not properly tested this definition but it worked on the simple surfaces I tried it.

-Only one surface needs to be chosen in Rhino. NOT two. It will offset it itself. The offset can be changed by slide-bar.

-The top half of the definition was done by Luis, but is noted on the definition. The bottom half I did quickly and seemed to produce the affect in the example picture.

-The radius and angle of rotation of the middle hexagon curve can be changed, BUT only the factor of the radius can be changed because the radius will stay in proportion to the curvature of the surface so will be different for all the hexagons depending on how much the surface is bent.

I hope that solves your problems, and I hope the definition will behave consistently. It might need some tweaking though to get the proportions right.
Thanks Theunis,
I read your reply and I test Morph tools to generate
"hexagon component/cluster" between the two surfaces.
This is useful but as you wrote the hexagons have different diameters in the middle
those diameters correspond to the curvature of the two surfaces.

I discover a definition by Luis E. Fraguada (This Grasshopper definition is a translation of a Rhinoscript which was written to tile a surface in Rhino with a hexagonal pattern).
I think this is the different approach you mean (make hexagon curves on the surfaces,
get the center points of the hexagons on the surfaces and then find the midpoint
between those two center points for the position of the 3rd..........)

I have two questions :

1) How can find the middle point of these segments?
2) Why some posted definitions can't be open? In the image below
ther's what I see when try to download or open the attachment.
Sorry for my ignorance.
In this definition I start the different approach you mean.
Its the web browser, this website gives me a lot of problems sometimes. Try another web browser and it will be able to download it, I had the same problem.

To find the midpoint of a line go under Curve > Evaluate Length component. Set the "L" to 0.5 (half the length of the line) and it will give you the midpoint.
Thank you for your providential help.
May add your name in my list of friends?
Sure. Its a pleasure.
First step in Grasshopper






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