algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hey everybody,
a few days late but here none-the-less. Not all reported bugs have been fixed but I did not want to wait any longer. Download the installer here. Please be aware that this release involves some changes to the Rhino SDK, so it's likely that there will be problems running 0.8.0008 under Rhino5 until the next Rhino5 WIP goes out.
Changes since 0.8.0007:
● Added a Mesh|Mesh intersection component.
● Added a Mesh|Curve intersection component.
● Added a Replace List component (Sets.List dropdown)
● Added Integer Division component (Math.Operator dropdown)
● Added ToRadians component (Math.Trig dropdown)
● Added ToDegrees component (Math.Trig dropdown)
● Added Cube component (Math.Polynomials dropdown)
● Added CubeRoot component (Math.Polynomials dropdown)
● Added Round component which exposes Round, Ceiling and Floor functions (Math.Util dropdown)
● Added Negative component (Math.Operators dropdown)
● Added Absolute component (Math.Operators dropdown)
● Added 'One over X' component (Math.Polynomials dropdown)
● Updated to Quantum Whale code editor version 1.62
● Added String Sort component (Sets.Strings dropdown)
● Added Create Set component (Sets.Sets panel)
● Added Set Union component (Sets.Sets panel)
● Added Set Difference component (Sets.Sets panel)
● Added Set Symmetric Difference component (Sets.Sets dropdown)
● Added Set Intersection component (Sets.Sets panel)
● Added Set Carthesian Product component (Sets.Sets panel)
● Added SubSet test component (Sets.Sets panel)
● Added Disjoint Set test component (Sets.Sets dropdown)
● Added Set Majority component (Sets.Sets dropdown)
● Added Set Member Index component (Sets.Sets dropdown)
● Added Set Replace Member component (Sets.Sets dropdown)
● Added Set Remove Consecutive Identical Members component (Sets.Sets dropdown)
● Added Mass Multiplication component (Math.Operators dropdown)
● Simplify Tree component now by default collapses *all* coincident path elements.
● Casting error messages are now vaguely less geeky.
● Added polygon center component (Curve.Analysis dropdown).
● Font Defaults are now copied from the OS Fonts.
● Slider Initialization codes can now be used to specify decimal places.
● Profiler widget now displays long time spans in seconds, minutes and hours.
● Added an IsoVist component (Intersect.Mathematical panel)
● Added an IsoVist Ray component (Intersect.Mathematical panel)
● MRU missing file checks are now threaded to prevent UI delays when files are located on slow media.
● Expression Editor has been redesigned.
● Slider Component popup has been redesigned.
● Slider Components now have customizable grip-styles (accessible via popup only)
● Slider Components are now 20 pixels wider by default than before.
● Slider Controls now draw focus rectangle to indicate caret capture.
● Slider Control text input is now automatically activated by a keypress when the slider has focus.
● Slider Controls that are locked are now rendered greyed out.
● Tumbler Controls now draw themselves in 3D style when they are focused.
● Tumbler Control text input is now automatically activated by a keypress when the slider has focus.
● Tumbler Controls that are locked are now rendered greyed out.
● Generic Data parameters now allow setting multiple items via the menu.
● Text display has been rewritten for Text Panels and Param Viewers, making it faster.
● Null items in Text Panels are now drawn transparently.
● Empty strings in Text Panels are now drawn transparently as "<empty>".
● Path mapping operations that do not involve List Indices are faster.
○ Point Parameters could not be baked from the toolbar, this is fixed.
○ Negative slider initialization codes would result in erroneous limits, this is fixed.
○ Fixed a bug with the normal vector output of the Spherical Cloud component.
○ ASCII control code characters in strings prevented ghx serialization, this is fixed.
○ Fixed several bugs with ReadFile component custom parser scripts.
○ Fixed a bug (without introducing other ones I hope) with screwed up output data trees in case of partial path overlaps.
○ Empty branches would get skipped by the PathMapper, this is fixed.
○ Transform multiplication was the wrong way 'round, this is fixed.
○ There was (at least one) bug in the Curve Offset direction code, it got fixed.
○ Fixed a bug with the Convex Hull algorithm (while inebriated on Tokaj no less).
Important notes:
The zero-length-slider-ultra-crash may or may not still happen. I've fixed a bug in slider code that may or may not explain why it happened to begin with (though probably it doesn't) and also some safety code. Please let me know if this is still a problem.
All the Set components operate on simple data types only (Booleans, Integers, Numbers, Complex Numbers, Strings, Intervals, Vectors & Points). They will not work correctly on more complex types such as Curves, Meshes or Breps. I do not know if they ever will.
I've tried making the sliders and tumblers (the controls, not the canvas objects) easier to use. Basically it should now be obvious based on the display whether a slider or tumbler has focus. Slider have a dotted rectangle drawn in them when focused, tumblers are drawn as 3D objects instead of flat objects). When a slider or tumbler has focus, just typing should automatically bring up the text input override. Please test that this works as advertised and is not 'weird'.
Note to GHA developers: The Internal_Icon_24x24 property on Components and Custom object is now Obsolete. It still exists for the time being, but you are advised to use the Icon property instead.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Rule #1: Check your code after you change it.
attached the fixed gha.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
thnx David
really nice work as usual
have a question would it be possible to make IsoVist work with Geometry(not only curves?)
Hi Alex,
Curve/Curve intersections are much faster than Curve/Surface or Curve/Brep intersections. I think it's slow enough the way it is. You'll have to create section curves first if you want to operate on 3D shapes.
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
thnx David
tried it working nice but really slow indeed.
I'm having huge crashes with this version when trying to offset ANY closed polygon. It works with circles in both directions but not with several different concave and convex closed polylines. At first the offset component turns red with an error about corrupted memory. Then as I change the slider it consistantly crashes both grasshopper and Rhino without any bug report available.
Running Rhino 4 SR9 and Grasshopper 0.8.0008. ....I was going to attach files but the bug is getting worse. Now when I connect a curve parameter to the offset component Rhino immediately crashes.
Yeah we're looking into this right now. The problem is also present in todays Rhino Wip so we'll probably delay that one. Looks like no sleep for me tonight :(
David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
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