
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

A discussion to post Geometry Gym component questions and queries 

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I've had a volunteer (and I'm most grateful for it) to assist with more documentation for the plugins (External assistance for this is useful as I can take for granted many assumptions).


So I'm looking to expand on the wiki ( ) for this.


Mostly the algorithms I've coded up myself, taking a manual procedure and automating it.  Is there any in particular you would like explained as priority?


Cheers, Jon



Was just for getting an idea of the different between the FE software avaliable for grasshopper, sound super nice whit the manual. 

Hi Jon! 


I have a problem with Network fillet!


I have made an voronoi from the voronoi component in grasshopper and wish to apply a network fillet to it. Nothing happens with the network fillet component (it is gray and everything so it shouldn't be an input error) And I should have a valid license (I got mine renewed for 3 months this march so). 


Any ideas? I really need this to work :) :) 

Can you set up a sample that doesn't work so I can test?  It helps me respond more quickly (if I have trouble replicating the same error.


I did see an issue with the ignore short edges that was causing problems.  Also, try changing the input that nominates number of edges to qualify as a perimeter or void, I have seen for some diagrams that this can prevent results from showing.




Hi Jon,
Is it just me but it seems that all other function except for building mesh inflation / octahedron and icosahedron don't seem to be working. Even with creating octahedron, I can only create using one point only. Tetrahedron option won't select at all.
I am using sr8 and latest build for grasshopper.

Hang on, all other functions started working after I reinstalled SDR but still I can't seem to select tetrahedron for some reason and voronoi tool crashes every time I use it.


Hi Jason,


Can you post or email a sample model that's not working so I can at least validate that the problem is isolated to your computer or is something more fundamental?  Which voronoi tool causes a crash?  Grasshopper or my rhino command?


Selection of the polyhedron types probably needs to be done with the keyboard up/down keys (rather than the mouse, if the menu option lies outside the dialog it causes a cancel).  I am trying to fix this.





Hi Jon,


This was the sample model that I was using when I first tried it out. I tried to use the rhino random voronoi tool on a plane surface and the error kept happening, even if I start a new page with one simple surface, the problem still occurs.

I get the feeling its an isolated problem on my computer but still just to let you know.


Otherwise awesome tool. Its got quite a lot of great potential especially with the grasshopper integration. Thanks for making the plug-in available for students.





Nice model.


I've just tried voronoi random on my computer and it worked, start with a quite high number as the size as something small might run out of memory. 


Hello grasshoppers!

I am relatively new to grasshopper and geom gym and struggling to find a way to create a folded truss -polylines- for a folded structure in my project ( one of the ends of  are supported by structural Y's . Ive looked at the 3 pin truss definition and had a failed attempts to modify the  arc sed component because i am using more than 2 points (start and end) to create the truss. Any input at all would help :) Thanks your your kindness !





Hi i have a question regarding the polyhedron tool in structdraw....The tool asks for PHT (polyhedron type) parameter, but i cant seem to find this anywhere. Am i making a silly mistake or is something missing? cheers.

Hi Colin,

If you right click on the input, you should get a context menu that enables you to pick.  I should make it adopt a default input that I'll do for the next build.

Hope it helps,







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