
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I have installed Gismo and all the prerequisite softwares yesterday - all seem to be functioning on Rhino 6. However when I tried to get the analyse terrain example to work, I receive this error message:

This component requires topography data to be downloaded from as a prerequisite for creating a terrain. It has just failed to do that. Try the following two fixes:

1) Sometimes due to large number of requests, the component fails to download the topography data even if website and their services are up and running.
In this case, wait a couple of seconds and try reruning the component.

2) website could be up and running, but their terrain service (RESTful Web service) may be down (this already happened before).
Try again in a couple of hours.

If each of two mentioned advices fails, open a new topic about this issue on:

Any idea what went wrong? (I am attaching the file :))

Thanks in advance



Views: 447


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Juliette, unfortunately I don't have a solution to this, but I just wanted to say I've been having the same issue lately, though I', using Rhino 5.

Hi Sara,
Sorry to hear that. Can you open a new topic, copy-paste the whole error text and attach your .gh file please?
Thank you.

Hi Juliette,

I've just ran your definition on Rhino 6, and everything is fine:

I internalized the results of the "Terrain Generator" component so that you can run the terrain analysis by yourself. Check the attached file.

Is it possible that before the error message that you posted, you also get this text:

"downloadFile_e1: Unable to connect to the remote server
downloadFile_e2: [Errno socket error] getaddrinfo returns an empty list"







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