
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Everyone,

I have made a custom GH_PersistentGeometryParam called TextEntityParam which contains a TextEntity. This param can be assigned to a Rhino Text object.

The issue I'm having is that I want to override the GH_ActiveObject.RegisterRemoteIDS method for this Param so that object changes in Rhino will trigger a new solution. e.g If I delete the text in Rhino the TextEntityParam will no longer contain that TextEntity.

The code I have so far for this is attached.

I am calling the RegisterRemoteIDS method by adding the ObjRef.ObjectId of the TextEntity using the line of code...


However object changes in Rhino are NOT triggering a new solution. Can someone please tell me; am I going in the right direction? How do you properly override the RegisterRemoteIDS method so that changes in Rhino will trigger a new solution?

Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


Views: 604


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Anton,

there's not enough information for me to say anything about this. Can you upload the entire parameter code so I can compile and debug on my machine? If you don't want to put it up publicly, you can send it to me privately as well (

Hi David,

Thank you for your reply. I've sent you an email about this please take a look.



Hi, I realize this thread is four years old. I'd love to hear the resolution to this seeing as I'm running into what appears to be the same issues.

I've tried to boil down what I'm trying to do into the silliest little component, just to test some concepts that might become part of a bigger UI workflow. The component is very dumb. It has one input for one a single point. If this parameter isn't assigned to, the component makes a point at the origin and assigns this point as persistent data to the point parameter input. It also registers the point's guid by overriding RegisterRemoteIds. The user should then be able to move the point around in the rhino space and the component should update according to the new point position.  Script attached below.

I realize it sounds a bit nutty to be doing this but the reasons to try this are to see if I can generate a workflow where running a script automatically bakes elements into Rhino that the user can easily modify without having to manually reference into Grasshopper. 







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