
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I have a point grid out of which I am trying to make a randomized grid with a gradient as the points fade away, as shown in the Image.

I am able to get a slight gradient but the points don't feel that randomized at the end of the grid. 

Attached is an image of what I am trying to achieve.

Please help!


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You need to play with culling probability.

Each point in the grid gets a random value between 0 and 1.

Map the distance to the attractor to 0 to 1.

Now cull the point if the distance is larger than the random value. This way, points with small distances are likely to be culled, points with large distance are unlikely to be culled.



Thanks a lot for your reply. It's really helpful. I guess I am using Grasshopper for Rhino SR7 and it seems like I don't have the command 'Remap' for this version. Is it possible to use some other command in place of remap?

I was trying to use Graph Mapper but it isn't exactly working out.


First, you really should update. SR7 is two generations old. GH did some considerable leaps since.

ReMap is really just a shortcut around the math to scale all the values, so the largest distance equals 1 and the shortest becomes 0. It's really simple math, maybe you can figure it out yourself.

I will get on with the latest update asap.

Thanks a ton.

Dear all,

I know this is an old topic. But I was just wondering if there is any way to control the amount of points that will be culled -percentage or number. Any suggestion?

Thank you in advance,






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