algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hey Hyungsoo, thanks this is pretty much what I was aiming for, but could there be a way of making smooth curves from these color differences and then simply make wholes with those curves? The pointy geometry culling faces causes is not ideal. Thank you.
Hey dude,
Enable "Preview Mesh Edges"(Display-->Preview Mesh Edges(Ctrl+m)) and check the state of the edges of your mesh.
Are you familiar with Mesh?
If you want to make holes regardless of your mesh edge configuration, you'll have to tear apart your mesh arbitrarily regardless of colours of mesh faces.
Of course more subdivision and smoothing of your original mesh before colour analysis would help to get more smoothed edge curves.
Converting to a "Nurbs polysurface" with a bunch of tri-faces is pretty easy but not in case a single nurbs surface.
Then how about your colour informations? Are you going to just ignore?
Dear Laurant,
I was wondering if you still be able to share the definition. Especially the one with multiple iso splitting, which you post as last.
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