
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

need help with an easy one.

Building a circles grid with multiple attraction points that control the circles scale.

Ive seen the tutorial but it works just for 2 attractors. I need to add as many as i want.

Ive been trying but never works..


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Also, this is probably a stretch but I've been trying to wrap my head around a strategy for extruding the surfaces where the top cap is angled/sloped up towards the attractor, rather than flat . Any ideas on a possible direction for this? 

instead of extruding based on the attractors, move the circles upward based on the attraction, then use the attraction math for rotation of the moved circles, then loft between the original and the moved.

Thanks Michael! Interesting. The only issue I see is that when rotating them then lofting like that, the walls of the loft won't be perfectly vertical. I'm trying to do this with the Voronoi shapes. I wonder if I can similarly copy the Voronoi shapes up and/or move each point of the voronoi shape to achieve a similar slope while maintaining vertical walls...

then I think you will be first making pipes, then cutting them. Here is an example of cutting with planes, although its long winded and I really didn't think to much about it. Don't have alot of time, hope it helps.


Wow that's great, thank you! I'll see what I can do with this...

There is a more modern version still called graft or you can achieve the same from the context menu of each input

I figured it out as soon as I asked, felt pretty silly. thanks a lot for such a prompt reply!

thanks David for this useful hint!

Is there any way to set a border for the circle radius, so the circles don't overlap ? Or to introduce kind choosing a fixed radius for a particular distance ? i.e. choosing from only for example 3,4 possible radiuses ?

Kind regards,

Hi guys, I'm new. is it possible in a circle grid to have multiple attractors, each attractor having its own control properties?






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