
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Here are 2 grasshopper with a VB script that generate blades for propeller. Surely not perfect but work quite well. At the moment there is NACA 4 digit and custom profile generation done with Graph Mapper. I also use a lot of Graph Mapper

The first file was for GH 0.8 and old Rhino library 

The second file is a reply to "metinsaylan". It works with GH 0.9, Rhino 5 and the new library (there is sill corrections to do)

See photos on my first Album with propellers

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Many Thanks Delreu for sharing.

Hi Delrieu,


I am getting some amazing properllor designs using genoform. Generated designs and the modified propeller ghx file is included.


Tx again




Hi Sivam

I have seen the pictures and the blades are beautiful. when I open your file I have a compatibility problem many errors appears  (I have rhino 4 32 bits + rhino 5 64 bits + surely an old version of grasshopper 0.8005 !)


Hi Laurent, the grasshopper file uses genoform components that you can download from , wonder if you are using it ?

Hello Laurent,

I can't seem to make it work.

Blade Loft is giving error.

Do you have any idea of the cause?


I put a new files with corrections, most are on the VB components but there are many other corrections. I hope it helps.

I noticed that class structure has changed in later versions.

But it is working great now.

Thanks for the update.


Excellent !

I plan to use this to make a little wind turbine

Thanks, hope it still works. I will be happy to see the results. 

I mainly began to use Grasshopper because it was hard to model propellers. So it is one of my first script. I did it for render purpose, I use it to model propellers of 3D ship model I sell on Turbosquid (the 3D model not the ship).






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