
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All

i finally decided to ask for it, I thought with time I would understand how it works, and I've been using it for long time
somehow. But now I need to know it

How does the graph mapper works, I'd love to have a thoretical explanation?

Example: I need a series of values, lets say, parabolic (from 0 to 1 and to 0 again)

Many thanks

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Hi Pep,

the Graph mapper works this way: whatever value you input, it will be read on the X axis (the lower side of the component) and mapped using the curve onto the Y axis (the left side of the component).

The interval the sides represent are settable by double clicking on the component.
The type of curve is also changeable. Please have a look if this picture is helpful.

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
Thanks, clear enough


Sorry, one more question. Then what if the input is larger than 1?

Thanks Giulio

This is so great and simple explanation.

thank you 

Thanks, useful!

Anyway .

What i lack from it is an enhanced control of the curves.

It would be a very nice feature to very easily handle approach speeds for multiobjective optimizations with Galapagos, but  a numeric or even dynamic control of the curves through an input on the component to make it would make really objective.

(many years after, just for reference)

i use ReMap (Remap Numbers, in Domain) to change my Data to 0-1 and then remap again after graph to get values back to normal.

a sample is attached.

maybe there is better solution. i wish GraphMapper node had a domain input and target domain output, so there was no need for a separate ReMap (wishlist?)


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