
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How can a helix be generated in grasshopper? In Rhino a helix command exists but I would like to have the radius and number of turns to be controlled by a slider.

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Here's a definition...I actually had an old wrm file that created one, but those are useless, so I recreated it. It basically creates a bunch of circles, then samples them at increasing parameters to make a helix. I also did a quick screen cap of the creation of it....I'll post that in just a bit.
Here's the time lapse video of creating it...why? because I'm bored and can't sleep :)
Hey Damien, thank you for the definition and the video. That was insane! I will try your suggestion shortly!
Yea I think I need to capture a few more frames per just goes by too quickly. For reference it took me maybe 10-12 minutes to put it together.

One thing I will add is that its fairly easy to make a helix with a variable radius with that definition, just create a list of numbers that represents the radii at each "sample point" and supply that whereever the radius is currently connected.
I'm trying to follow religiously what you did on the video (unfortunately I can't understand all the codes on the file .gxh you've attached before), but I'm losing lost of passages due to the speed!
For the first steps, when you create a Series, which is the expression you put in the C value?

Thanks so much.

Using this 8 years later, thanks mate!

Here is a very simple way of doing it:

You could change the radius/pitch/turns by just putting in mutlipliers
Hi Daniel,
I didn't realize it could be this simple. Thank you so much for your suggestion! The multipliers go after the functions, right?
Yes, multiplying X & Y would change the radius, multiplying Z would change the pitch, and changing C on the Series will control the number of turns. Make the step-size something like PI/10

Hi, Awesome definition, very helpful! I was wondering what you meant by "PI/10" as an input for the step size? 

Thanks, Daniel

hi all,

im on a familiar problem, i want to create a cone simultaneously to a spiral...
my so far .ghx file attached
i try filter out points on curve with y=0 to get profile curve for lofting - but its not at the curve

Hi Damien -
When I open your GHX file I am getting 25 errors. What am I doing wrong? I have the Grasshopper 5.0099 build. Any ideas? Thank you. walter






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