algorithmic modeling for Rhino
So as you hopefully are aware, you can run simulations in Pachyderm for Rhino and Pachyderm for Grasshopper. From The Rhino plugin you can save your results to a .pac1 file. You can use the Pachyderm File component to retrieve this rile, and read it out to a Direct Sound component, an Image Source Component, and a Receiver Component, which can then be used with your grasshopper script. It will be as if you ran that simulation in Grasshopper.
The Pachyderm for Rhino Result reads the result from a simulation performed or loaded in Rhino. In other words, if you have simulation data in your analysis tab in the Rhino plugin, this component will read it into grasshopper.
kind regards,
Hi Authur,
Thanks for your explanations.
Where can I find .pac1 file?
You make them in the Rhino version.
Run a simulation in the main interface (found by typing "Pachyderm_Acoustic" in the command prompt). Once the simulation is complete, you can open the file menu in the pachyderm interface, and use the command "Save Data...". This gives you the option to save a .pac1 file.
It's been a long time since I used that. It is pretty straghtforward. Plug a mesh into M, and a list of colors into C. The colors can be assigned by using the 'Gradient' component that comes standard with grasshopper.
I wrote False Colour Mesh Mapping because at the time it was missing from grasshopper. It's so fundamentally important to visualizing data (though it isn't the only way). I don't know if Grasshopper has a similar component now, but I hope it does.
Hi Arthur,
Appreciate your help, thanks again.
I have another question about Pachyderm Mapping method in Rhino.
The mesh generated by Pachyderm is a litte strange as the figure showed below:
↑ The mesh signed by red line is wrong. The mesh on the left sided is right.
↑ The color mesh is overlay.
Setting in Pachyderm mapping method Tab show as below:
Hi. That's interesting - and I can reproduce it. I'll fix it, and have a patch out before the end of the week.
FYI - it is Rhino that actually makes the mesh, but I chose the settings. I'll see what I need to do to get this right again.
kind regards,
Fixed. It turns out this was a Hare issue (my code). It had something to do with the symmetry of the map, and floating point error, but it was solvable by making the model space ever so slightly larger than the model. Let me know if you run into it again. I need this kind of testing to find these issues.
The new version is downloadable on the site. Thanks!
Hi Arthur,
I am having some trouble making the map. In Rhino, I have my surface, the exploded room geometry, a source, and a receiver. I can successfully select the mapping surface, but when I hit Run Calculation, I get the error message "Model geometry not specified... Exiting calculation..." This is my first problem. Do you know how to fix this?
Second, I seem to remember it working at some point in the past, and I was able to Crete Map and get the mesh, but there were no colors in the tiles. If I encounter this again, do you have any suggestions?
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