
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Creating topography surface to export .STL file from XYZ .csv?

Hello All,

I am very new to Grasshopper and have traditionally used QGIS for creating topography but am trying to do it in Rhino.  I have a list of xyz points in a .csv attached.  I would like to interpolate a smooth surface based on these points.  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.  I have tried the Delaunay Mesh but now need to smooth it and create a file in Rhino that can be exported as a .stl.

Thank you,


Views: 3099


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I found a map of US counties here:

Converted it to .png, used its 'W/H ratio' instead (1.86277), baked a 'BBox' around the scaled points to use as a Rhino 'PictureFrame' reference, and it looks like this - not so bad:


Hello Joseph,

Thank you again for all your help.  I have been tying to turn this into a solid that goes from a z of 0 to the z's in the data (like your version b)0 and then export that as an STL?  I was trying to use the bake selected menu option to get it "baked" into Rhino, to then export as an STL, but can't figure out how to get this to work. Any help is greatly appreciated.


I disabled the 'Mesh' parameter in that dark gray group.  Did you enable it before trying to bake?

I am reading up on importing shapefiles so perhaps I can bring in the counties as a shape pay with the Z as a center point with Metric value.

That did it!  Thank you!






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