
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone !

I'm quite a begeinner with Grasshopper. I would like to make a 3D printed zoetrope like this from 8 body shapes:

First things first I have to array my 8 shapes along a circle like this, i tried but i can't do it:

Then I have to join them with a mesh.

Can someone explain me how to do it ? The .gh file is the best I can do. I think the best way is to set each shape to each 8 points on the divided circle.

Many thanks !!!

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Hope it helps..


I think you lost the relative vertical offsets between the body shapes.

I don't know why that is important, but if it's needed, fixing is simple.


I don't know why that is important...

Because the figure is in motion, jumping off the ground!

One of the tricky bits with this one, both in orienting the body shapes and making a surface from them, is that some of them (3 of 8) consist of multiple curves.  This image shows the code that orients the shapes; connecting the 'X' vector instead of the 'Y' vector to 'Orient dA' puts them jumping around the circle instead of into it.

And this code ungroups the body shape curves, selects the outer one only and attempts to 'Sweep1', which fails...  'Loft' works with the right loft options: 'Closed Loft' and 'Rebuild' - you might want to play around with those.  'Mesh Brep' will convert this lofted surface to a mesh.


Thank you very much Joseph ! I managed to make "Sweep1" work by setting "Point on curve" to 1.

Now if I bake the mesh is it ready to be 3D printed ?

Thank you again !!


Cool.  Kinda of a mess though, eh?  Not as clean as 'Loft'.  Will anyone recognize the body shape profiles hidden within?

Not sure why you re-posted the .3dm and .gh files?  Esp. the GH file, because it's empty.

P.S.  'Rebuild' the curves before 'Sweep1'/'Loft' helps.

Yes it's a mess aha. But your help is awesome ! I need it to be a mesh to print it as a mesh.

Here is the right .gh file, my mistake i put the old one.


In fact, I need to have a solid wireframe from this surface like this. It is the last step. After that it is done !

You can use isocurves from the lofted surface.  Meshes are so messy.  :)

By the way, the 'V' curves (blue) are interpolated versions of the body shape curves... A straight line instead of a circle is interesting too.


'Sweep1' using rebuilt curves looks better than 'Loft':


Amazing Joseph you rock ! Thank you very much !






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