
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

An incremental update is available for download from the usual page.

A Zip file without installer is also available.


Changes and additions:

  • The slider popup editor now has fields for Name and Expression.  
  • Digit scrollers now have a text input button for single click text input.  
  • Digit scrollers and Sliders embedded in menus can now be double-clicked for text input (not everywhere yet, I'm working on this).  
  • Text input fields for digit scrollers and slider now have OK and Cancel buttons.  
  • Slider Expressions now use "x" as the expression variable instead of the Slider Name.  


  • Adding and removing objects while large groups were present was slow, this is fixed. 
  • Recursive curve explode didn't work, this is fixed.  
  • Kinks in nurbscurves were sometimes ignored by Curve Explode, this is fixed.  
  • Curve fillets wouldn't work on curve seams, this is fixed.  
  • Expressions could not handle single opening bracket string literals, this is fixed.  
  • Coarse mesh settings preset component didn't work, this is fixed. 
  • Long paths in the Last Ditch Save dialog were sometimes only partially displayed, this is fixed.

This release is a bit pre-mature, but since it contains several important fixes I didn't want to delay any longer.


If you have existing files that contain sliders with expressions, they will most likely generate errors now (unless you named the slider "x"). It should still work, but please update the expressions and replace the slider name with the variable "x" everywhere.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 3087

Replies to This Discussion

Hi David, Thanks for the update. I have same crashes with the number slider component described by Taz and Barry Mair. Sometimes the slider value can't be changed - it stays at zero. Also if I try to change the slider numeric domain it shuts down GH and  Rhino.

I am using windows seven pro 64 and Rhino 5 (March 1st build).



Also where can I download GH 0.8.0006 ?

I will have to say that i also do not like the new sliders, i find them awkward to work with. but i guess i can get use to them because i cannot elaborate any more than finking them awkward.

Let's give it a few more days/weeks. I'm still tweaking them every day.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,


I have faced with a weired behavior from offset (curve) component in this latest version. I have been working with the version 0004, on a large definition... Now, I have opened the same file with the new version and the offset component doesn't work properly. Can you please check it?







hey, thanks for yet another update!


here is a bug i found: the floor function doesn't work right when used as an expression in the duplicate component



No it works fine. The expression that generates 4 is an integer parameter. So before the expression is used to post-process the data, 3.8 is first converted to an integer (4 in this case). And Floor(4) = 4.


You'll have to insert the expression sometime before the number is rounded to the nearest integer.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

oh, ok, thanks!
Thanks for the update, everything looks great but my Kangaroo plugin is no longer working.  The tab disappeared; I still have Kangphys0044 in the file-special folders-components folders. Any advice on how I can reinstall the plug?

Good morning grasshoppers and earlybirds,


The new Component "Value List" safe kept under Params/Special is very neat and useful.

However I suggest redesigning it's UI a truly minimal bit. (No bug, just human readability issues).

When you right click on the component and go to "Edit..." to edit the Value List Constants you will type into the list will be line by line, thus from top to bottom.

To (currently) use the component the scroller buttons point in the opposite direction of the typed in list.

I suggest that a click on the down arrow corresoponds to selecting the next constant value which had been preset in the user defined list.


Good night / Gute nacht / Boa noite / Bonne nuit / Dobra noc et cetera :-)

If your list represents integers and the first integer is lower than the last then the arrows are intuitive. Down arrow gets smaller Up arrow gets larger. The edit window is very crude at the moment because it was put together at the eleventh hour before release. David says he does intend to improve the UI on this, eventually.


Would it be better if the arrows were prev and next style i.e sideways < >? Just throwing it out there.

good idea! something like two lists site by site?

Thanks David!

Wish: Panning (RMB) without losing the wire you are trying to connect (LMB) in a large definition.






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