
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Creating Rhino points using grasshopper without baking

Is there a way to create rhino points using grasshopper without having to bake out and in doing so losing any of the logic associated with the point?

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Sure, the first component in the first panel of the first tab. Right click on a [Point] component, Set Multiple Points, draw them in RH and press rigth click.

This is not what I want.

I want to be able to CREATE a point USING grasshopper definitions or scripting which instead of just being a grasshopper point is editable in the Rhino view port (without baking - which would cause the loss of the logic associated with the point.)

What you have described is simply referencing Rhino points in grasshopper - not at all what I asked. I asked "Is there a way to CREATE rhino points USING grasshopper" !

What character.

Repeat what I have said but in the rhino command bar select the coordinate type.


This does not do what I want

See for example the uploaded example. In the Top Group I create the points defining figure 2 from input points in figure 1. They are grasshopper points only. I would like to have access to them as rhino points but without baking them.

The ultimate purpose is that there is a mapping figure 1 -> figure 2 and a reverse 2-> 1. I want to create a definition where once input points are given I can move points in either figure 1 or figure 2 and the reciprocal figure will update. (in the current example the mapping is only 1 way. I can only change figure 2 via figure 1 not figure 1 via figure 2)


This is not really possible - only way I can think of is to try to use Kangaroo2 and it's "Grab" feature.

This is exactly the sort of thing I want


Daniel's gumball tool is pretty cool and the only way I've seen of doing what you have in mind.

While not the answer you're hoping for but a fairly common way to deal with your issue is to break your grasshopper definition into multiple steps where you bake out to rhino and then re-import geometry. Elefront can really help you simplify this process. By either baking on layers or Elefront 'bake names' and automatically replacing the geometry on that layer and then reimporting by layer. You can also use Elefront to bake geometry with user defined data which allows you to keep the context when you're bringing geometry back into grasshopper.

This sort of segmentation is also useful to make the different parts of your definition useable in different contexts.






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