
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Patch surface apparently malfunctioning unless output internalised

Hello everyone,

I've been having some strange behaviour with Patch. It seems to not provide an accurate output unless I internalise the data. See precise demonstration attached.

What am I missing here? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


Views: 565


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Greg, I'm not sure if this will help with debugging, but the internalised B input Brep on the BBX component is Invalid:

I noticed that the Srf to internalise does not look visually different after being internalised. Still though, seems a bit weird that this would have an effect downstream I'd agree.

Cheerio :)

Edit: Tried baking the invalid Brep, which does not add anything to the Rhino document. Also. un-hiding it seems to screw up the Grasshopper rendering pipeline. So I suspect this might be the culprit.

Thanks for having a look. Sorry, yes the Brep was invalid...

But now with a valid cutting Brep, I'm still experiencing the same effect (see attached).



Looks like a Brep is compacted when internalised, which seems to explain what we're seeing:

That said, this is still a bit weird to me and might suggest the presence of bugs in the Patch component or the RhinoCommon method it implements (unless that's intended of course).

Attached a file, now, for dinner!!


Yet again... you're my hero!! 

Thanks dude, I lub u.





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