
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Currently I am trying to randomly offset points normal to Surface I have drawn. I used offset surface and than Divide surface. After that I have tried using construct domain and random to acheive different lengths but I would always get an error. Help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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In my opinion, "Isotrim" is an unnecessary element in your definition. If you use "isotrim", you'll get some duplicated surfaces in your final result.

It is also incomprehensible that the vectors used to move the points are the four normal vectors obtained from isotrim. Is it intentonal?

Why can't use the normal vectors of all points with the result from "Divide Surface"?s


Thank you for your answer!!! The reason I was using Isotrim was my attempt to define a size of a UV fields through a Graph Mapper. Because I wanted to apply different domains values according to UV field size. I have tried to apply it to your file but I get random distances.Since I am something more like a newbie I havent got a grip of attractors quite yet. This is why I was using Isotrim.

Also, aside from length waves that you have acheived I was also going for a movement waves that I have done in my file. How do I acheive it now with your setup?


I have done something like this. What do you think?



I have no idea what you are going to do, but there are many ways to manipulate your wave shapes.
Your second posted file looks better than first one.
Do not connect U & V domain data to the U & V count input of the "Divide Surface"component. Every inputs need their own data types.

Attachment is an example of using attractor. 


Minor fix


Brilliant!!! Thank you once again!!! I am doing my master thesis at the moment (architecture). These Shapes are supose to be louvres made out of textile (textile from BMWs Gina concept) and I will add around it a shell made out of a glass, which is supose to hold them and allow them movement. Idea is to have dynamic facade. This is just a test surface. I will later apply it to the real model. Thank you for your time! 

I know I am overusing your help now... Could you just remove attractor from this. When I apply the file to the wanted geometry to much of it gets under the influence of attractor. 

I have just wrote 0 on Remap Numbers Source. It seems to do the work. Sorry for disturbing.






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