
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a tree containing curves and a corresponding tree containing points.

But I have an extra level of branching in my curves list.

Now, I want to get the closest points for each curve, so I need to graft my points list so that I get duplicate lists of points when necessary.

This is driving me crazy : could someone help me make my data trees match ?

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Thanks Olivier,

Should have spotted that Doh,  I did wonder why when i made the image not all the curves had points, i just thought that those points must be outside the threshold around that curve.

Update attached for anyone else that finds this tread later and wants to use the code.


metahopper "wrap and "unwrap" are just like "group" and "ungroup" but they work for non-geometric data as well. 

Also you can save a component w/ the above approach if you use "longest list" instead of List Length + Duplicate Data. 

Like this? Best, p

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Yet another essential plugin !






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