
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I'm  trying to recreate the pattern as in the image as an attachment. I have a triangular surface to fold and I would like to test several types of living hinges. I didi some test on a rectangular surface and  there is no problem (test 2) but on a triangular surface I cannot get the same pattern.For to that I used box morph but I think it is not a good idea!. In addition to tests on grasshopper, I tested on rhino (test 3) with the TAPER function but the transformation is not the same.

Could you help me to  find the right definition?


 Thank you so much in advance,


Views: 1647


Replies to This Discussion

Instead of "Box Morph", why don't you try "Map to Surface" or "Surface Morph" ?


Hello ,

Thank you so much for your answer. Furthermore, if you see the picture in depth, you will understand that each shape is scaling in y direction very slowly. And each shape in the lower part is not deforming in y direction like surface morph that you used.

I ‘m trying to understand how it works in y direction and I applied different types of progression to approach the design but it doesn’t work. (see in file attached). I think that I need also to scale each shape in the same time but I don’t figure out.

I hope that I’m clear and you will help me,



Simply comparing with an image of another case is meaningless.
Your target surface has its own U & V domain and it probably will be different from your comparison target.
Check the U & V direction of your target surface and create a new target surface with a new non uniform U & V domain and try again.






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