
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I wanna create cicles in the Yaxis. I wanna start from one diameter and increase it, so the smallst is down and up the bigest one. The thing is that the centers of the circles should not be equidistant, otherwise them overlap themself.
I use the bubble move like:
G: fisrt circle
T: Unit Y vector= domain+range+unitY
But the problem is that are all of them equal, same distance

How can I increase it gradually?

Thanks a lot!

Views: 1877

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hopefully this helps :-)


Best Regards



upps file missing

Thank you very much!

Just one question, is it complete?like in the image, because I have grasshopper 6, and it´s made in 8, and when I open says: "you have an old version...."


What should I connect to what???


Thank you again!

Sorry, I forgot the file...


oh, there is missing a lot

hopfully it works

Ok!Thanks, I creat it by my self. Just one question, what is the bubble Ins?I cannot find it.



List Insert

Thanx Dedackelzucht! The problem is that in my Grass I don´t have List Insert....But maybe you can help with my definition:

As you see the problem is that now, my circles overlap them.....And other thing, is that the first circle must be with this radio (r=3cm)

I use the range, because I try to delimit the circles into the measure of the fassade. Then I copy in the Xaxis, but this isn´t difficult



File missing....

I have the final question, I think

-I have one circle radius (R) = 3cm

-and I wanna copy it in the Yaxis with a movement of the center like: m=3*R (the one before). So the function could be m=(3^(n-1))*R1      (n=position of the new point  and  R1=first radius=3)


-and radius i wanna 1.5 times the befores radius  Rn=((3/2)^(n-1))R1 how can I do copy many times with this movement??

Thank you very much!

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Thank you every one!


Finally I get it....more or less


I leave it the definition here, for every one







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