
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Can we have some option to inform/force the user to work with particular units ? A simple message stating "This definition was made to work with X unit" would be a great help.

...and another one, kind of related... 

Probably too early to ask (GH2) - why not to serialize the gh document within the 3dm file and that way bound them together... preferably that could be the default behavior....  

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wombat has a tool for this! the "Unit Warning" component will pop up a dialog and offer to switch your document units if they don't match what you specify. 

You also might want to chime in on Discourse here (re: embedding GH files into 3dm files).

We implemented the following solution in the new HAL Robotics Framework:

- the default unit is always the SI, so for length it's in m, also for derived units (m/s, m/s2) etc.

- the user specifies values in the current document unit when he plugs a value. It is in fact automatically translated in system units, and the conversion is stored. (in the screenshot, I am running a document in mm).

- if the user changes the document or document units, the value entered in the parameter stays the same (the value is serialized in SI, and the parameter keeps its conversion factor/selected unit). The default conversion will now be the conversion with the current document units.

- the user can override the selected unit by right-clicking on the parameter.







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