
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, brothers and sisters, I am a noob to this . can anyone please tell me how to draw arcs along a set of points in a curve. I started doing them manually, but I believe there must be a simple way
Thankyou :)

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Are those arcs on the surface? If so, then they aren't arcs, they will have to be nurbs curves that bend in all three directions. Also if you want to specify both the start and end points, as well as both the start and end tangent, then arcs won't work either, you'll need at least bi-arcs.

What sort of constraints do these curves need to have? Vertical start and end tangents? Specific height? Specific length? 

Sorry, the picture was confusing.
No, they are not on surface, it will be better if these curves have vertical start, end tangents, if i can control heights of these arc curves then its good. length depends between the points.
please check these images.


i made it . But if there is a way for this in grasshopper, please let me know



Hope this is helpful.


This is helpful, really Thank you for giving time :)

Hi ! i've been looking at your code but cant seem to figure out how you did it, im still quite new to GH, would really appreciate your help! I only need to create arcs along a crv, connecting 1 point to the next, which is at the very beginning of your script, would appreciate the assistance ! :)

There are unanswered questions in this description, including:

  1. "arc" heights are determined by the distance between points on opposite sides of the pavilion?  Or?
  2. what is the orientation of the "arc tunnels"?  Are they all parallel?  Or aligned with the point/arc on the opposite side of the pavilion?

It's really not realistic to expect answers without posting the GH code you have.

I understood, I got the solution and really thanks for replying. :) 
I only gave screenshot of GH code, Ill attach GH code itself in future.






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