
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is there any way to add text to an image file within Grasshopper? Text on the upper left-hand corner of the below GIF is the type of text I'd be looking to add (time of day etc.).

An automated way to do this in post-processing would also be an option.

Any ideas?

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Hi Ernst,

If there is a way to display the images in the rhino window, you could use the Human text to screen components to tag it, then use the ladybug image capture component to take a new image of the screen with the text overlaid. I haven't tried the image display in rhino, but I often use the last two components to generate graphics.


Thanks for your thoughts Leland. Yep - that is what I have been doing as well but I don'

You can use Radiance's psign (

Check the glare component for an example.

Thank you Mostapha! I have no Python - or any programming experience for that matter - but I think I understand what you are suggesting. I would have to manipulate the "Run Radiance Analysis" component" or create a new component that manipulates the HDR file in a manner similar to the Glare Analysis component. Is this something you might consider adding to HB? I am guessing a lot of people would enjoy being able to add date and time on image-based analyses. 

Adding a new component is possible and as you said can be useful. The best approach is to open a new issue on GitHub so all the developers can see the request and we will see who is available and interested to get it done.

A solution that crossed my mind is adding the needed text as metadata into the image file and then adding this text to the images with a Photoshop batch process. The only problem is that I have no clue how to add metadata to an image with GH. :)






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