algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Hey guys,
I've created some self interfering ripples (image1) and am trying to add a DECAY function to the ripples to control the interference pattern and not just have it exist infinitely across the surface. (image2). i.e. I want the ripples to eventually fade out to flat (z=0) and be able to control how quickly/how close to the point that happens!
I found a script tackling this here -->
although I can't seem to be able to connect it to my script and have it add decay!
image 1
I'm attaching both rhino and GH files please feel free to play around with them and send through!
Here's a close up of the script:
Much appreciated :)
I prefer to leave the 'Graph Mapper' domains at their defaults of zero to one, then 'Remap' input and output to/from the '0.0 To 1.0' domains, affected by domain bounds. Then play with the graph to increase the number of ripples and modify their relative magnitudes:
It works with either mesh or brep ('SrfGrid'). 'SrfGrid' takes four times longer to compute 'Contours' but they are much smoother than contours of the mesh.
P.S. I internalized the region and three points so you don't need the Rhino file. It's interesting that your three points are so far ABOVE the surface points. Normally, I would expect them to be at the same Z value as the region you are dividing. It's more fun when you can move them around interactively, even placing them outside the visible region.
It's interesting that your three points are so far ABOVE the surface points. Normally, I would expect them to be at the same Z value as the region you are dividing. It's more fun when you can move them around interactively, even placing them outside the visible region.
Like this:
Note: While moving points and modifying 'Graph Mapper', it is highly recommended to disable contours or use the fast contour mesh instead of the slow (but smoother) contour 'SrfGrid'.
Hello Joseph, thanks for creating this ripple definition. I am currently brand new to rhino and gh and this is exactly what i needed for a piece of art I am making. My newb question is how do I attach this definition to a solid? I have attached your modified definition so you can see what I am trying to do. I am using your definition to try and make a stone skimming across water.
There are nine 'Geo' params in your model that are not internalized so the model doesn't work.
I fixed that. The reason I was using a separate iteration on each new ripple is so that I could make the "oldest" ripple be a little lower height than the newer one. I think I go the design where it should be but how do I turn it into an actual solid?
This is the same code posted in January, point effects combined, with parameter changes: three points in a line, all on the surface, tweaks to graph mapper and scale, etc. Added 'Ext (Extrude)' to thicken rippled surface, in green group. But what is missing is a time element... delays between the three points, such that their ripple patterns are longer on the first skip (point) and shorter on the last.
In this version, I added two sliders to reduce the effect of the 2nd and 3rd points to 70% and 35%, which gives the impression of smaller (newer) skips of a rock? Also using 'Loft' for thickness instead of 'Extrude'. Rendering done with Neon.
Brilliant Joseph!
Thank you so much. I will post what I am making and make sure you get the credit for this (if it looks the way I am hoping. If it looks like crap then I won't drag your name through it lol). If I want to add this .gh to a solid do I create the solid before opening up the definition or after? Sorry, I am as green as they come in GH & Rhino.
The rippled surface IS a "solid" (a "Closed Brep").
Hmm perhaps I mean a surface. I want to export it to mill so a .stp .obj
What you see rendered above is a "Closed Brep" that has been "baked" from the GH model to Rhino. The top surface is rippled, the other five surfaces are flat. Since they are joined and fit as a "Closed Brep", they will be treated as a solid.
Thickness is determined by "wave height". This version adds a "Base Thickness" slider to add more thickness on the bottom, by moving the XY plane we 'Project' onto down.
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