
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello forum..I know there has been some discussion on the forum and updates to kangaroo and mesh machine to allow for different density subdivision at boundaries, but curious still how this mesmerizing image could be made where the density of a mesh is controlled by an attractor curve, point, or set of points...? Any thoughts? thanks!

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MeshMachine allows you to do this kind of things using point/length pairs. It's not too flexible, but something lets do.


Thanks Daniel... 

I am trying to do something similar with the simple ring, but i can't make  variable mesh density. What am i doing wrong? I would like to have highest density at the bootom of the ring.


Here's a simpler setup.

You set a number of points, and a value for the target edge length near each of those points.

MeshMachine then interpolates these values.

The Exponent can be seen as controlling the sharpness of the transition - low values (such as 2) will give a more gradual blend, while higher values will result in more clearly defined zones. 


How can i chage the density of the mesh... i am changing different values but the density of the mesh i still the same. Can you make some tests on my definition with the ring example.


Anyone can help?

I would like to make mesh, where on the bottom of the ring will be maximum density of the mesh, but at the upper part it will be rare.

When i am trying to play with mechmachine i don't have any control of it.






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