
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Can you save me from hand-building this hexagonal mesh? :D

Greetings, Grasshopperos!

I'm currently building this hex-mesh in ZBrush. As you can see, it's...working, but it's painfully-slow-going, and the end result is looking a bit wobbly.

This seems like it should be a fairly straightforward application of GH, but I've failed to get it to work so far.

I don't need the hexagons to be planar, since I'll be triangulating the hexes eventually, but I do need for the whole thing to be symmetrical (I'm working with Radial Symmetry in ZBrush) and I'd really like the size-gradient to feel more precise, like in the third image...

Any suggestions, links to definitions (with explanation of how they're used), or tutorials would be greatly appreciated.


Views: 1132

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I would start by creating a hexagonal grid in 2D space and then using the Map to Surface component to map this to your shape. You can perform further manipulations once the pattern is mapped onto your surface.

Hello, Ben

Assuming I've correctly understood your suggestion, the result I get has a pole at the top, around which the pattern wraps. Not the worst result, but not what I'm after for this piece.

Thanks, though :)






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