
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The best description that I can describe for the result I want to get is a pillowing surface. I have a reference picture further down below which is a great example of the effect I'm trying to get. In Rhino I can select point from the already created surface I've generated in grasshopper and manipulate that surface to give a similar effect, however my curiosity has me interested in getting the effect to work in grasshopper. 

I imagine surface from points would get me where I need to go but the problem but at the moment I'm a little lost.

Any suggestions anyone?


Desired Effect

Surface I'm trying to manipulate to get that rippled effect

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You can move control-points of existing surfaces:

The problem with adding waves to a shape with a rectilinear underlying structure (be it Nurbs control-points, or mesh quads) is that unless the wave is exactly parallel with the structure, you'll get wobbly ridges. The only way around that is to add a huge amount of control-points/quads.


Attempting to open your GH file crashes GH/Rhino for me - consistently.  Both 32 and 64 bit.

Version 5 SR14 32-bit
(5.14.522.8390, 5/22/2017)

P.S.  Examining the code with solver disabled, the 'Srf' parameter is "Invalid Surface".

Damn, it's that Rh6 vs. Rh5 opennurbs storage problem again. I think I've been postponing it long enough...

As far as the getting the wave shapes to the surface I ran into that problem earlier where the edges were lifted and wobbly making joining the bottom surface to the rest of the body impossible. I've been trying to figure out an alternative besides having a ton of control points. I was thinking maybe I can create the wave form below the surface and maybe get it precise enough to boolean out the bottom surface to achieve the pattern because the bottom surface is originally from a closed brep. 

Original closed brep

So I deconstructed the definition that David posted to see if was going to work for me and as he was saying before the edges get to wobbly. And then I tried scaling it down and boolean difference it from the closed brep, which also didnt work. I was wondering if there is an efficienet way to select a large point list in grasshopper and move in the z direction as I am doing in rhino manually. Like such..

The benefit to this is that the edges stay flat and I can join the surface back up to create a closed brep in the end which is ultimately the desired result. 

Any suggestions?

can you show it again with the names of the components? Could find the red arrow, the many arrows and the slider from 0:2 to 0:3

can't open your file... 


Take a look at the attachment if you want. Best.


Thank you for everything, But do you have a method for doing this rippled effect in the z axis as well? I made a definition that gives an interesting effect but still gives me the problem of rippled edges and can't seem to figure out a method to make it smooth like the bottom surface. 

This is what I have so far.

I like the look but the edges on the top and bottom create an issue because I'm not able to join all surfaces to be a closed brep cleanly. 



I've moved forward by attempting to dissect your original definition and combine mine that originally created the rippled effect, although I've hit a wall and I'm not sure where to go next. The new side surface isn't as controlled as the bottom surface that the original definition created and I think it might have something to do with surface normal's, although I'm not certain. Also the new surface isn't closed, and I'm also unclear why that might be.

Any help would be immensely appreciated.



To me, your biggest mistake is to use tangent vectors from divide curve component instead of surface normal vectors. Take a look at the "Red Groups" of attachment.


This is awesome, I'm just trying to figure out what or where it needs to be reversed to have divots rather than raised bumps. But this is so so so close to exactly what I need. 

Thanks a ton. 

Figured it out, just put a negative after the graph mapper into the match tree component. 

Once again, thanks one million times over. 






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