
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


How to group and ungroup objects using c#?

I would like to get the same output as group/ungroup components in grasshopper.

Thank you.

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You're talking about grouping objects in the Rhino document, or Grasshopper groups?

Grasshopper, just like components group and ungroup

Grasshopper grouping is something which only exists within the group object. Components themselves are unaware that there's even such a thing as a group.

To group a set of components you must create a new group object, then populate it with object ids.

Does it mean that when I see this:

It does not come from the component?

But from the document?


Neither. Groups are objects in the document, and only the groups themselves know which other objects are contained within them.

Unfortunately I cannot test this now on my machine, as a change in this week's RhinoCommon library broke the script editor UI.

I think he means GH_GeometryGroups not GH_Groups

Yeah you're right, I got confused early on and didn't consider the third typeof group we have in Rhino/GH... I really need to pick more unique names next time.

Oh.....Sorry, But Could you tell me where is the GH_geometryGroups Class,I think I can't find the class on the Grasshopper SDK document

I think it might be in the Transform.gha assembly. Not sure and can't check on from my iPad.

It's in Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_GeometryGroup.

A lot of namespaces have been omitted from the SDK docs, either because they are deemed no interesting to plug-in developers or, more likely, because they have not been documented.

But If I want to lookup the content about the namespaces that has been ommitted in SDK docs, and the detail of the ommitted namespaces,Where I can find it? thanks

But If I want to lookup the content about the namespaces that has been ommitted in SDK docs, and the detail of the ommitted namespaces,Where I can find it?

You can use Visual Studio Object Viewer to browse assemblies and see their documentation (if it exists).






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