
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I would like to rotate a geometry around an interpolate curve. The attached pic shows that the series in z-unit is no problem but I would like to rotate the geometry like the triangles. Attached you find the gh code.

Thank you for any ideas to my question!!


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Hi Tom,

herzlichen Dank für deine Hilfe!

Da Rhino GH immer noch neu für mich ist und ich das für meine Masterarbeit brauche, stehe ich einfach ab und zu auf dem Schlauch und komme nicht weiter. Ich versuche deine Befehle später auf mein Modell anzuwenden.

Ja du hast Recht, ich sollte meine Fragen das nächste mal isoliert hochladen. Sorry für die "wirre" Datei.

Dennoch muss ich echt sagen, dass ich es mega schade finde, dass es einige in diesem Forum gibt die einen echt "runtermachen" indem sie ständig auf Fehler hinweisen und einen für komplett bescheuert halten. Es fällt eben nicht jedem leicht ein Programm ohne zusätzliche Hilfe sondern nur durch Ausprobieren zu erlernen. (Musste ich mal kurz loswerden!) Gut, dass es auch solche wie dich gibt, die einen Mut machen.

Gruß und nochmals Danke!

Had to Google Translate that.  So sorry I bothered today.  Won't do that again.

Your Rhino file is empty and your GH file doesn't need it, so why post it?

Where does one even begin when trying to understand this?  Also, the model is extremely slow to compute initially or to respond to any changes.  It's not easy to find the bottleneck because the profiler widget output gets hidden on the vast expanse of the canvas.

I finally located the slow part on the far right; 'SUnion' and two 'SDiff' components that aren't even being used(!), so I disabled them.  Better, but still slow and I haven't found the next bottleneck yet.  I'm guessing it might be code that has absolutely nothing to do with your question today...?  (Later: the more I look around, the more I see unused code cluttering the model and slowing it down.)

I finally located the white curve you are referring to (bottom left corner) and followed it to the 'Rot3D' components.  The obvious problem is that you didn't supply an 'Axis (X)' input to 'Rot3D'.  It needs to be the tangent of the curve at that point.  Here's how (white group); note that 'Crv' is reparameterized:

Unfortunately, the geometry you wish to rotate hasn't been positioned properly at the rotation point!  The component you want to use for that is 'Orient', which I tried in the yellow group, but it fails due to the way you are creating the extrusion.

So there are very basic issues here that will be easier for you to learn on a MUCH SIMPLER model.  How about creating a GH model that does nothing but position these things along a curve?  Hey, as I started to do that, I realized that your model is entirely BELOW THE WORLD-XY PLANE!!??  Why?

Take a look at this ( attached).  Play with it.  Disconnect the 'C' and 'X' inputs to 'Rot3D' and see what happens.


Thx for your reply Joseph even if it is not really motivating. Don't worry about the commands like the SDiff or something else that is not connected. I just wanted to know how it is possible to rotate a geometry around a curve, I also defined by connecting points. At the moment, I work on several functions in this gh code and because of this there are several commands I have to delete, yes. But some of them are necessary for other functions I would like to create.

If my questions upset you so much, why do you try to answer and try to help me? Yes I know that I am absolutely not perfect working with gh but I have no chance. I have to work on it and to try my best. Thats all I have to say.

The three unused components I mentioned took 40 seconds to execute, which makes any experimentation with the model painfully slow.  Disabling them had no adverse effect, yet allowed me to better see what happens when I make changes to parameters.

Sorry my efforts to assist have offended you.  As I said, I won't look at or respond to your posts anymore.






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