
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi yall
Is there a way to use the sweep 2 rail command in GH, to keep one of the rails constant and to keep the section length constant?
thanks for the help and for this beautiful program...

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There's a boolean switch on the sweep2 component for keeping the height constant. What do you mean by keeping one of the rails constant?
Hi Vicente
thanks for the quick reply. I have tried the boolean switch and I thought that would make it, but it doesn't seem to work quite the way i want it. What i'm trying to generate is a metal louver that waves up or down according to external parameters. The problem i have with the sweep2 right now is that the external edge waves the way i want it, but the section change because it matches the constant distance between the planes containing the two edges. I would like to keep the internal edge horizontal and planar, and the external edge to wave in all axes to keep the section constant. the problem is that the curves i'm using are both planars, and one of the directions is constrained by this fact. (hopefully i made myself clearer but my answer is so long that i'm not sure anymore...)
An image is worth more than 148 words. I think it will be beter understood if you post a screenshot or file.
That's exactly what I was thinking after my last post. Hopefully this will help:
I'm still a bit lost, but from what i understand in this sentence:
"The problem i have with the sweep2 right now is that the external edge waves the way i want it, but the section change because it matches the constant distance between the planes containing the two edges."
Maybe you could divide each sweep into two different sweeps that sort of mirror each other. And divide the cross-section into two pieces. Then mantain one of the sweeps constant, while the other varies along the external edge.

You could also post a correct version modeled manually in rhino to see exactly what you are after.
I've found a way to model it, but it's a completely different method. i know the command exists in rhino, but I will have to redo everything completely if I have to use this. So if you know a way to work it around you will save me a lot of time...
You can create many sections made out of straight lines, rotate them individually and loft them together to produce a sort of twist:

* Click on the image to make it bigger.
mmm I think i need to update my grasshopper version since mine doesn't look like yours. Is the box with the logo on it a heigtfield from bitmap kind of command? If it's as simple as it looks, you made my day i think. Do you think you would be kind enough to give me the gh file (I think i can replicate though, but if you give to me it will save me the effort :))...
The only think that is not similar to my original goal is the not constant interior edge. Other than that you have a definition that is exactly what i'm after...
oops, i didn't save the file. I think the only missing data from the screenshot is some of the image sampler settings. You have to change both intervals from "0 to 1" to "0 to 50" and set the output as the brightness value. The PI constant has a 0.5 multiplier.

If you want the interior edge to be a straight line delete the length curve component and connect directly the points to the plane's origin input.

If it looks different maybe it's because I've enabled 'draw icons' under the view menu.
I cannot find what the box with the image is (on your definition capture screen).
Could you help me out one last time with that?

Thanks a lot.

Have you downloaded the latest release?
You can find it here:
The component is called 'image sampler'.
I didn't see that, thanks a lot. Too bad because I just had to write a shitty definition myself to do the exact same thing based on a heightfield surface. It took me a week :( (i'm not too skilled yet).
Anyway, thanks a lot for your help vicente.






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