
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I often make things that work, and then gradually morph them into things that don't work. When I'm coding I can use git or some other version control tool to track my changes, but GH files are binary, and GHX files seem to change so dramatically when I make changes that they don't seem to be worth tracking.

Has anyone had any luck using any sort of version control with grasshopper? 

As a side thought, if it turns out that version control is silly, is there a good workflow to capture what you've done at each save?

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So, in the spirit of showing what I mean, I've made a start on this python script:

It takes a model, like this one:

and produces dot notation that renders like this:

This has a number of problems, but I thought I'd share the early progress instead of sitting on it.


  • inputs don't parse yet
  • output parsing is inconsistent (the sphere produced an output at one point, but not anymore)
  • There isn't yet a way of showing how things are connected, just that they are 

Dot has a load of features that would support this sort of thing if you were so inclined, e.g:

This file, if it was stable enough, could be committed along with the binary file.

It would probably be a similar process to make a cosmetics file that described node locations and that kind of thing.

That's pretty neat as a quick visualization of changes!

Yeah, definitely take a look!





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